
How can I help?

You can help us because as well as for general running expenses, we are looking for donations to help us keep reaching out to people that do not yet know and love the Lord like we do.  If you would like to contribute, you can make a one-off donation by crediting our account by bank giro or on-line. We would also be delighted if you would consider setting up a regular Standing Order to support us.

Can I do a bank transfer or BACS Payments?

If you would like to make a one off donation, you can credit our bank account.

Bank: Barclays Bank PLC

Account: The Healing Bus

Address: 2, High Street Chelmsford CM1 1DS

Sort Code: 20-19-95

Account No. 83384454


IBAN GB86 BUKB 2019 9583 384454

Can I Gift Aid my Donations? 


Please use our Gift Aid form and send as an attachment to — or post it to us if you prefer. 

Your help really does make a difference to our charity, as without your help we won’t be able to keep outreaching to the unsaved that are living in darkness. Thank you for supporting us. 

Can I pay by PayPal, or

Yes, simply click on which Donate button you would like to choose and you will be directed onto a secure website.




Can I send a donation by post?

Yes, of course if you prefer to send your donation by post then please send it to our address:

The Healing Bus

Manse Bungalow

The Causeway


CO 9 4RT

Thank you, we really appreciate your support.