Nick’s Testimony
How Jesus changed my Life

Before I became a Christian all I used to think about was my business and money. I became very selfish, and I convinced myself that I could do everything on my own. I had very few friends, and never felt very comfortable with any of them. After two failed relationships that lasted about six years each, I spiraled into depression and was given anti-depressants.
I was learning the German lauguage because at the time I was working as a sales agent for a German company and I needed to travel to Germany occasionaly on business. My German language teacher turned out to be a Christian, and he subsequently told me the gospel message of how the love of God affected his life. I continued having German lessons about once a week, and I wasn’t very interested in Christianity, but as time went on I started to think about what my teacher said about Jesus, and I became inquisitive and started asking him questions. He always seemed polite, in control and most of all, he seemed to have an inner peace. Eventually, after about 3 months, he asked me if I would like to ask Jesus into my life? I said, if I can get what you’ve got then yes I would like to have Jesus in my life. So at 1:30am in the early hours of the morning I gave my life to Jesus. Soon after this my life seemed to improve. I was invited to attend his church, and I was introduced to some lovely people and heard beautiful music, which quite literally brought tears to my eyes. You could see the love of God in their lives. A few weeks later I met Marina, within 6 months we were married and we have two children, Kerry and Reuben.
When you ask God into your life he does change things, but sometimes not always right away. You begin with God helping you to evaluate your life, but you need to make the first move. God will never force himself on you or push you into a corner, but you are faced with a free choice, to stay as you are, or ask for help, and who better to ask than you’re loving heavenly father. Then, through the holy spirit, he will enable you to be the person you were made to be. I did, and I will never go back to my old ways, and you can do the same to by asking the best friend You will ever have your Lord, and your saviour Jesus Christ. Nick
Nick together with his wife Marina are the founders and Trustees of The Healing Bus