Norma’s Testimony
How Jesus saved my life

I wasn’t brought up in a Christian family, I remember going to church and Sunday school at 10 years old. We had a new Vicar and curate arrive who talked to me about Jesus and what a wonderful person he was. I hadn’t thought about death or dying until my nanny died when I was eight. Being told someone I didn’t know loved me made me question it, and when I was 13 years old I asked Jesus to come into my heart and be my Saviour. Since I made that decision I have never regretted it or looked back. With Jesus by my side and the Holy within for 60 years; I still felt privileged and blessed by His love and guidance during all the ups and downs of life and there have been plenty. He placed faithful teachers and preachers across my path. He guided me to my wonderful soul-mate husband and we have wonderful supportive family members both physical and spiritual ones. He has blessed me with the gifs of encouragement, preaching and hospitality.
The best gift I have been given apart from Jesus is the peace of God in my heart, it is indescribably wonderful. I know that I’m loved unconditionaly and have been made a new creation through Jesus’s death and resurrection. Roman 8:1 tells me I am not condemned and I am saved by Grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, just ask him to come into your life today, because TODAY is the day of salvation.